Student Agreement Form



Student Athlete

Behavior Contract



Athlete’s Name: ___________________________________


As student athletes, you are bound by a stricter moral and behavioral code than non-student

athletes.  As such, you will be responsible for conducting yourself in a manner above and beyond non-student athletes. If you choose to accept this responsibility, you and your guardian must sign this contract, and in doing so, you agree to abide by the consequences set forth below:


Every member of the BCHS Water Polo Program has a duty to represent himself/herself, the team and 

the school in the best manner possible. This applies to your behavior both in school and out of school. 


You are expected to avoid situations where you might be accused of wrong-doing. Being in the “wrong place at the wrong time” is not an excuse if you chose to be there in the first place. In-school discipline problems resulting in ISS, Saturday School or Suspension may result in dismissal from the Water Polo Program. 


The following violations may also result in suspension or dismissal from 

the BCHS Water Polo Program:


1. Using illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco at any time.

2. Allowing yourself to be in a situation, in school or away from school, where you are accused of /arrested for an illegal activity.

3. Missing practice (unless excused by the Coach).

4. Skipping class or school.

5. Poor sportsmanship

6. Harassment (verbal/physical/sexual/etc...) of another student or team member.

7. Any act (either in school or away from school) which in the opinion of the coaching and/or 

school administration, reflects in a negative manner on the BCHS Athletic Program.

8. Electronic communication (text, Facebook, Twitter, etc...) should be positive and should never 

negatively reflect on other teammates or coaching staff. If it is not positive don’t post it.


By signing below, you affirm that you have read this and fully understand the rules set forth by this 

Contract. You are also stating that you understand that violations of the BCHS Water Polo Program behavior policies could result in your being dismissed from the athletic program.




Player’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________



Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________